Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Covered in dew

Judges 3 - 6

So many powerful stories this morning for all of us to ponder.  God is indeed Mighty and if we allow Him to work through are we!  We must make the choice for Him to use us.  Will we allow Him to work His Wonders through us?

We have Deborah and Gideon both in today's reading.  A woman named Jael who took things into her own hands and that's a whole story in itself to look deeper into for fascinating thinking, but what caught my eye today was Gideon.

Gideon wasn't being especially brave when the LORD came to him.  He was actually hiding in the winepress threshing the wheat, so that the enemy would not spot him.  Not a really brave hero hiding so nobody would spot him, but the Lord found him.

I love the Lord's words to Gideon in verse 14, "Go with the strength you have, and rescue Israel from the Midianites.  I am sending you."   Here is a man hiding in a wine press from the enemy yet the Lord picks him.  Gideon tries to explain he is the weakest among his family, his people, but God sees more in Gideon.  God sees more in you and more in me than we are capable of ...Do you see the words go with the strength you have?  God will use what we have.  If we see ourselves as the weakest, HE is still able to provide what we need.  If we see ourselves full of strength, He will provide the needs as well.  Why, because HE is sending us!

What is it that God is calling you to do?  Be brave, step out, and move.  After all, God is the one truly doing the work...not us!  Are you hiding?  Well, God sees you and is calling you to move.

God even allowed Gideon to test Him.  Remember the story of the fleece?  The fleece would be wet my morning?  Well, then the next time let the fleece be dry and the ground wet with dew?  Well, God is the same Yesterday, today, and tomorrow.  Believe it!  Everything else may change, but God remains the same!

He believes in you!

Believe today that God believes in you.  He loves you and wants to use you, but only if you respond with YES!

Debbie Covington

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