Friday, October 2, 2015

Show compassion

Mark 3, Matthew 5, Luke 6

Well, we had lots of meaningful lessons today in our reading!  Lots!  

I am going to share what touched me so very much and something that happened to me and how the reading today helped heal a wounded heart.  Thank you Lord for always providing exactly what we need even when we don't realize it!  Amen

Luke 6:36
You must be compassionate, just as your Father is compassionate.

Matthew 6:1
Watch out!  Don't do your good deeds publicly, to be admired by others, for you will lose the reward from your Father in heaven.

Have you ever come under attack for something that well just isn't truth?  Someone says something to you and they think they know all the answers, but well they don't?  They think they are helping you discover something that is missing in your own story, but they really don't know what you may or may not have done?  Sometimes helpers just don't really know.  Admit it.  I know it is true of me.  I think I know, but I don't!  In the meantime I have hurt someone unknowingly because I thought I knew the answers...but I didn't!

Well, this happened to me awhile back.  Someone thought they were asking me a question that would open my eyes to something perhaps I didn't know anything about and in truth I did.  I didn't respond to the question.  I just sat there hurt that someone would think so little of me and I wanted to make a list of the things I had done, but well the verse from Matthew kept coming to my mind and I knew it would be just as wrong from me to whip out my list of checks and respond.

We only know what someone shares with us.  Say that again.  We only know what someone shares with us.  We don't know the whole story, so before any of us make assumptions we should show compassion and not assume we know, because well more than likely we don't!

We need to be like Jesus show mercy.  Show compassion and  don't assume we know.  

Compassion, mercy, forgiveness the words are simple enough to say, but sometimes not so easy to show, but Jesus did to ALL...even those that hurt him, even those that nailed him to the cross...ALL.  It's not easy to show compassion like our Father sometimes, is it?

The experience I am speaking of taught me that we must be wise with our words and turn the other cheek. I know in my heart I've done the exact same thing that was done to me. (without realizing it) Forgive me if I have done it to you.  After all, we are all sinners and only Jesus makes any of us right with God!

Thank you Father for the compassion you show me everyday with your forgiveness for the many times I fall short.  Amen

Sweet blessings,

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