Saturday, December 17, 2016


Over the past several months, I knew God was leading me to step back and spend time with Him.  It's been pretty awesome and at the same time overwhelming to me.  I am always trying to figure out what God is up to and what He's doing and I know that is part of the journey, but this time I think He just wanted me to be with Him.  To stop thinking and just be with Him.  Slow down and just be.

He has lead me on journeys of taking photos all alone in places that I drive past everyday, but didn't pay attention to.  He lead me back to my hobbies of years ago.  I have finished projects for folks near and dear to my heart for Christmas and birthdays, just so that I hope they realize they are so very special to me.  A little piece of my heart and me from photos to cross-stitch.  He slowed me down to realize what really matters in this journey.  He reminded me of friends from long ago and friends that I've just met.  He's reminded me of very special times in my faith walk and strengthened my walk at the same time.  He has reminded me that He is with me always and to take His hand and go!  (if you haven't gotten one yet it's because I haven't seen you or it's just not time...doesn't mean you aren't dear)

He lead me back to His story of coming into this world and about the faith of Mary and Joseph.  He reminded me that He is in control and WE must have faith and hope and He is where we find both of these.  He lead me back to Isaiah this morning chapter 7 where Isaiah is talking to Ahaz and we find these words:
Therefore the Lord himself will give you a sign:  The virgin will be with child and will give birth to a son, and will call him Immanuel.  Long before Jesus came into the world these words were shared of his upcoming birth.

In Matthew 1 these words are found:
All this took place to fulfill what the Lord had said through the prophet:  The virgin will be with child and will give birth to a son, and they will call him Immanuel - which means "God with us."

God is with us!  He was with Isaiah long before He came into this world and He is still with us today!  I know many people feel discouraged, alone, and distraught about things in this world, but it's not about this world...We find our hope in Him.  I know some of you may think this is corny, but spend time in His Word and allow Him the gift of sharing with you.  He will.  I know this, because He does!

Read this quote and then read it aloud.  It's pretty great.
"You do not need to know precisely what is happening, or exactly where it is all going.  What you need is to recognize the possibilities and challenges offered by the present moment, and to embrace them with courage, faith, and hope."  Thomas Merton

Open yourself up to this wonderful gift time with Your Savior and Mine!  A gift that we are all given, if we choose to open it.

Opening the gift,

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