Thursday, December 1, 2016

More thoughts on Mary ~ God is in the details!

Okay, how many of your girlfriends make lists?  A grocery list?  A packing list? A to do list?  A list just to have a list?  A list so you are able to say you have a list?

I know without a doubt that at some point or all the time you ladies have a list.

The very next point  in the story found in Luke 1 after the angel left Mary we find these words ~
At that time Mary got ready and hurried to a town in the hill country of Judea...
I could not go any further.  I have shared the last few days about my issues with questions and these words throw up a whole new list.  Yes, I have to make a list about these words right here.  

1.  How did Mary convince her parents to let her suddenly leave to travel many miles to visit a cousin?  
2.  Did her parents not think it is strange that suddenly a 14 to 15 year old girl is suddenly consumed with thoughts about her much older cousin?
3.  What did Joseph think of this sudden upcoming trip?
4. How did she travel to this new place?
5.  Who did she travel with?
6.  What story did she give to go?
I could continue this list to be a top 10 or even more, but the only possible solution is that God is in the details.  God worked it out for Mary and He works it out for us!  We must proceed through our journey like Mary did.  She got ready and hurried to the new town.  She trusted.  She believed and God took care of all the questions with the answers needed.

How often do we miss out on God being in the details?  Mary believed with all of her heart.  How one might ask?  Well, I believe it is because she knew God and she knew His Words.  She would have heard these words from Deuteronomy 31:8 ~
The LORD himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you.  Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged."  

Mary had probably heard the story many times from her father sharing the story of Moses talking to Joshua.  The encouragement that Joshua received to take on the leadership of the people of God.  Mary knew that God had chosen her and perhaps she claimed these words and found strength to pack up and head on out.  After all, it had to have struck a chord with her that Gabriel chose to share with her these words during the same time he was giving her details about Jesus upcoming birth.  I mean think about it.  Suddenly these words in my words are shared; Oh, by the way even Elizabeth your relative that is old is having a child...check it out in Luke 1:36.  She was listening in detail and took the words to heart!

Today, listen for the details!

Sweet blessings,

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