Thursday, December 15, 2016


Life throws things at us!  Sometimes we feel like we are balancing on rocks waiting to fall off, or is it just me?
I don't think so.

During this Christmas season studying the story of Jesus birth and the preceding things that happened, I've been taught a lot about trust and faith.  God desires our complete trust!  He places us in situations that we must trust is totally out of our control.

Joseph and Mary had to have felt the fears of the unknowns and yet they believed.

God showed our family this week about putting our trust in Him.  Things were out of our control.  We got a good report on my mom, but it doesn't mean we didn't have to face our fears.  Doctors were worried and told us we might be facing difficult situations.

We were waiting in the holding room for mom to have a heart cath  and a camera sent down her.  She struggles with swallowing at times, so she was facing a great fear by swallowing this camera.  She chokes a lot, but the nurse told her this quote from Stonewall Jackson and it was really good.  "Never take counsel of your fears."  Good one, isn't it?  God tells us the same thing!

We are to never take ownership of anything, but God's Words.  We are to believe with our whole heart and yet at times we falter.  So the ones surrounding us must remind us that God goes before us.  In the Bible (ESV) fear is mentioned 437 times, afraid is 165 times.  So God knows we struggle, but He gives us words to claim during these times and believe.  Here is my favorite and I've shared it with you many times.

Joshua 1:9

Have I not commanded you?  Be strong and courageous.  Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the LORD your God is with you wherever you go."

We will face difficult times, but we are never alone!
Claim this instead of the fear.

Sweet blessings,

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