Monday, February 11, 2013

Make us? Make us?

Exodus 32 -34

You make breakfast.  You make a cake.  You make a craft.  You make a bed.  You make list.  You make so many things, but never would I think of saying "you make us a god that can lead us."

How did these people fall so quickly into thinking evil?  Oh let's see...left to our own thoughts it doesn't take long before the evil one winds his way of thinking into the situations!  Still it blows my mind that these people who witnessed God do so many amazing things already, so quickly forgot!

It bothers me more that Aaron went along with it!  A leader that said well, okay bring me your gold and let's see what happens.  How often do our leaders allow us to sway their way of thinking into wow you are awesome, you are grand now make us a god.  Please notice the little "g".  We are nothing.  Let me repeat that NOTHING without GOD!  BIG G, BIG O, BIG D.  Big Zippo without the Real GOD! 

It awes me to remind myself daily just how huge GOD truly is!  It overwhelms me with HIS Majesty and HIS Power and it comforts me at the same time!  I love knowing that God is so big that simply put He is beyond anything I can humanly comprehend!  If all Our God was; was a melted down gold cow I would have no hope, I would have no love, I would have nothing!

Daily we make choices and daily it is my prayer that I remember exactly How Mighty God truly is and that this is what I share with others.  I believe as long as all of us keep our eyes focused on the LIVING GOD we are able to get through this journey of life; without we fall into discouragement, despair, and depression.  In order, to smile and shout praises we must believe that indeed God is exactly who He says He is in Exodus 34:6 - 7

The LORD passed in front of Moses, calling out, "Yahweh!"  The LORD!
The God of compassion and mercy!
I am slow to anger and filled with unfailing love and faithfulness.
I lavish unfailing love to a thousand generations.
I forgive iniquity, rebellion and sin.
But I do not excuse the guilty.
I lay the sins of the parents upon their children and grandchildren.
the entire family is affected-
even children in the third and forth generations."

Now this is the LORD that I love!

I leave today saying how did these people say "make us a god"...yet daily we pass people that serve other gods thinking this will fill those empty holes in our hearts.  Lord, show me these people so we can share what will truly fill the hole, so we can plant the seeds of your Mighty, Living, Love that will truly feel their hearts!  Amen


1 comment:

Frankie said...

I like that, "Big Zippo without the Real God!"

I found the dialog between God and Moses interesting in Exodus 33:12-23. Moses says to God that He hasn't said who He will send with Moses and God says, I will personally go with you, Moses. Then I think that Moses wasn't listening because Moses says, If You, God don't personally go with us, don't make us leave this place. I had to chuckle because Moses was acting just like me when I don't listen. I am guilty of not hearing The Lord say, I will go with you, Frankie!

Lord may we have eyes to see those who need to know that You love them!