Thursday, June 24, 2010

Look to the Light!

Isaiah 8: 19 -20

…With their whisperings and mutterings, they will tell us what to do." But shouldn't people ask God for guidance? Should the living seek guidance from the dead? Look to God's instructions and teachings! People who contradict the word are completely in the dark.

The lighthouse came to mind when I was pondering these verses this morning. A lighthouse helps boats find the way in the dark. Pretty much the same way with God and us helping us find our way.

God is ready to help us in the darkness of our journey. He wants to help us through His Word, through someone He places in your path, or even through His silence.

The times you are hurting so badly who do you turn to? Is it someone that knows The LORD? Do you even know, if they know the LORD?

I am reminded of the story of Hannah. The story of a lady that so desperately wants a baby that she is suffering badly! (1 Samuel 1 read it) The entire family traveled to Shiloh for celebration of God. She didn't feel like celebrating, after all she had the other woman her husband was married to rubbing it in that she had children. Her husband wasn't too helpful, he didn't really understand, so what did Hannah do? She went to the tabernacle to unload her pain. She didn't feel like celebrating, she felt like letting it all out to God.

The priest thought she was drunk, she was letting it out so much! Imagine, have you ever let it out like this to the LORD? She was so full of grief that she could no longer keep it inside. God wants us to be real with Him and to turn to Him with our real feelings. After all, He knows how we truly feel anyway?

Hannah knew that "the other woman" was going to be the enemy's tool against her. She knew she had to go to the light, so she sought THE LORD with her whole heart! God wants to know you and me rather than the false faces that we put on to attend church. He wants us to look to the light for guidance!

Looking to the Light,


1 comment:

Frankie said...

Debbie, there were a couple of passages that got my attention this morning. The first was in Isaiah 8:6, Isaiah said that the Lord spoke to him again and said, "My care for the people of Judah is like the gently flowing waters of Shiloah, BUT THEY HAVE REJECTED IT." How often do I reject His gentle care for me?

Then in Isaiah 9: 13, The Lord said, "For after all this punishment, the people will still not repent. They will not seek the Lord of Heaven's Armies." How sad is that?

But what I loved, was that Jesus was foreshadowed throughout the Scripture reading today.