Monday, February 14, 2011

and the Glory of God

Imagine, the visual of the glory of the LORD filling the Tabernacle! Imagine it!

During the day, the cloud would cover the tabernacle and at night it looked like a pillar of fire. A regular pattern! I love this! Another version of the bible says, So it was continuously!

So it was and so it is...Where do you see the glory of God? Is it in the birth of a baby? The rainbows? The sun rising or setting? A friend's words that answered your prayer? The song on the radio that answers the prayer? The creation surrounding you? The list goes on and on, but where do you see the glory of God? He is everywhere still, but we take Him for granted...Yes, for granted, but how we ask? I don't know, but I fear it is true...Do you take miracles for granted or mark something as a coincidence rather than thanking God?

I love the last verse from the Numbers section today, So they camped or traveled at the Lord's command,...Do we move or stay according to what God directs us? Do we even consult Him before moving or making a choice? Thoughts for all of us to ponder today!

Keep in mind God's glory today traveling to and from work! Look for Him! Be Aware of Him! Talk to Him before you move!

Sweet Blessings,

Prayer Special: Today we pray for the American Samoa. Pray for recovery from hurricanes that limit economic development. A lot of growth in the Mormon religion in this area. Pray for Christian leaders to be awakened and renewed in this area of the world.


Nikole Hahn said...

That's not good...the growth of mormonism. Yes, they need prayer.

Frankie said...

The Glory of the Lord, what must that have looked like? Indescribable, I am sure. The Glory of the Lord had come to dwell with the Israelites. I am trying to imagine it.