Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Heavy loads

Today's reading seemed repetitive and I ask Lord what is it you want me to get from this today? I admit some days its hard to get my focus on the Word and the meaning I am to take away. God ended up sharing quite a bit with me, isn't He beyond words?

First, the words "set apart" just jumped at me every time I read it. I know that we should each look different, act different and people should always see the "light" in us! We should be different. We should follow God's instructions and that means we each look different. He plans each of our journeys down a different path and we are not suppose to look the same! So, let's plow our own path following God's direction!

Second, God gives us what we need to carry our loads! Notice the picture this woman is hauling a big load, but she is equipped to carry it! I'm spoiled and truthfully God pointed it out this morning and you would think on a girl's birthday He wouldn't do such things...think about it. We holler our back hurts and everybody jumps, women in other countries don't have this same right. It broke my heart looking at this woman and realizing how blessed I am and I could name others that we are simply born where we are born!

I noticed in Numbers 7:7 he gave the group 2 wagons because they only carried things like curtains and hangings, verse 8 this group he gave 4 wagons and eight oxens and in verse 9 no wagons or oxens because they carried delicate, fragile, sacred objects! God provides what we need to carry what He gives each of us!

Another thing I learned today was that powerful and important people should use their influence with others about God! God treated each group with respect even in his Word! He listed each group with their offerings, he didn't summarize. No, each matters to Him and He wants all of us to know this information!

Also, I loved this part...Whenever Moses went into the Tabernacle to speak with the LORD, he heard the voice speaking...WHENEVER...we must go to Him, if we want to hear from Him! Approach Him and He will give you what you need!

Sweet Blessings,

Prayer Special: Angola a country located in Africa with widespread poverty despite having a lot of natural resources. Very little trickle down effect for the people despite great wealth in oil and diamonds! A country that suffered for almost 40 years in constant war. So much facing the people of this country. Lift them up for Christian leaders and love.

1 comment:

Frankie said...

My goodness, what a load that lady is carrying! It doesn't seem possible that she could carry that. And I wonder how?

As I am thinking of her, maybe that is the way we are to carry our "load." Maybe others are to look at Christians and be in awe of the God that makes carrying the "load" possible. Do they see HIM?

When I look at my brother who lost his wife to breast cancer 2 years ago, I know his faith and know Who is helping him carry his load. To me my brother does look set apart. I am sure that others must wonder, how does he do it? Sometimes, I say, "how does he do it?" He always gives the Lord the credit. Like you said, God gives us what we need to carry our loads!