Wednesday, March 9, 2011

The LORD will forgive!

The LORD will forgive her words straight from Numbers 30 today! I love these words and what woman doesn't need to be reassured on some days that indeed the LORD forgives!

Old Testament too before Christ died for us these words were spoken...

Being a woman in ministry that others look to and you fill so inadequate at times because you are a woman just like them. With failures, with sin and needing forgiveness always I yearn for the same reassurances that everyone else does. Reassurance that I am forgiven and over and over in Gods' word - He gives these reassurances! God loves us so much more than we area able to fathom and this is what I try to convey daily to the women I come in contact with and that we ALL Fail, but we have to open ourselves up to admitting our failures and allow Christ blood to cover our failures.

Sin is a given for all of us. We take each step trying to improve with the next step and hopefully we become more and more like Christ! We are running the race to look more and more like Christ, but when the failures come and they do! We pick ourselves back up and start over...

Thank you Lord for the grace that never ever do I deserve, but is mine because of your amazing love!

Sweet Blessings,

Prayer Special: Pray for Benin today. Benin is located in Africa located between Nigeria and Togo with over 60 ethnic groups to populate it. The government is stable and is a democratic country. The country supports complete religious freedom - YES! It is 39.89 Christian, 23.5 Muslim and then others. Special prayer concerns are about the black market, and people smuggling they think up to tens of thousands of children are smuggled from this country as child labourers, mostly to their eastern neighbors.

1 comment:

Frankie said...

That's me, picking myself up and starting over daily. Amazing love, forgiveness, grace, reassurance, how could I ask for more?