Tuesday, March 29, 2011


A safe place.

God provides a safe place for all of us. Where is your safe place?

Imagine, you have taken someone's life in self defense and God provided a place for the people to go. A place where safe judgment could be made away from families that were in pain and demanding justice even if their loved one caused the pain. God provides a refuge.

Do you know where your safe place is? Is it your church? Is it a quiet place no one else know's about? Is it in the lap of Our Savior? Where do you run when you need to know you are safe?

It is my prayer that you run to Jesus! Find Him and feel His loving arms of comfort and love wrapped around you softly whispering You are mine, You are safe, and You are loved. Yes, you messed up but I love you...No it's not your fault and I see you my amazing child...oh the responses will be many! Find Him and take refuge in the only safety that matters - eternally safe, forever! Do we get it?

Sweet blessings,

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