Tuesday, June 29, 2010

God’s glory!

Isaiah 4:2

But in that day, the branch of the LORD will be beautiful and glorious; the fruit of the land will be the pride and glory of all who survive in Israel.


God will prevail!

We receive glorious hope in this passage about the Messiah! A sprout of the House of David is going to come!

The original word meaning for glorious in Hebrew used here is honour, dignity, reverence. The one that is coming will be beautiful and one of honour and dignity. We should treat with reverence. Indeed Christ!

Today, I felt a strong draw to the branch of The LORD will be beautiful and glorious. What ways do you see Our Beautiful and Glorious Savior? I've picked a few pictures that speak to God's glory and would love for you to share…your visions of God's glory.

Sweet Blessings,


1 comment:

Frankie said...

Debbie, it is a beautiful thing that our Savior did for us. He provided a way for us to have eternal life with The Father. A beautiful thing indeed!

I love the pictures that you shared with us.