Monday, July 27, 2015

I will tell...

Isaiah 58 -63:14

Do you remember the old hymn about "tell me the stories of Jesus I love to hear?"  I do.  It was one of my favorites and still is actually.

When you were little did you love to hear your parents stories about growing up?  Don't you love for friends to share their stories of adventure?

Well, the same is true of our faith journeys!  It is true people want to hear.  They may not realize it, but they hang on every word.  They desire the same for themselves.  They want God moments too!  WE all do!

In Isaiah 63:7 ~ 
I will tell of the LORD's unfailing love.
I will praise the LORD for all he has done.
I will rejoice in his great goodness to Israel,
which he has granted according to his mercy and love.

It is so true that we need to tell about the times that the LORD showed HIS amazing unfailing love to each of us.  We need to share those moments that without a doubt it was God that took care of the situation.  Only explanation, because only God and you knew about it!  Share those moments and people will have the look of the little boy in the photo above.  Everyone wants to know that indeed God is working and showing up and we need to share about HIM and His Works!  It's not about us ~ people listen it's about HIM.  Share what He is doing.  Yes, just like we read yesterday it is HIS Way, His Thoughts and none of it is the way we expect, but HE does show up!

Share of God's unfailing love today and watch people's face light up with hope!

Sweet blessings,

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