Thursday, July 30, 2009

Trouble? Who do you call?

Wow, I love it when the verses just jump off the page at me! It is just so obvious and I think but Lord we still don't get it...or should I say I don't get it sometimes? I will not speak for others, just little old Debbie and I don't get it sometimes, or I refuse to get it sometimes...either way it is sad! It is like the cell phone in the water it just doesn't ring true with me at times that I call on the wrong things or people....

Jeremiah 2:28 ~ But why not call on these gods you have made? When trouble comes, let them save you if they can! Ouch! Written many long years ago, but is it not so true today?

What have you placed before God in your life and made a god? What is more important than God? A job, the latest gadget, the new house, the new car, the attitude of I'm fabulous and I don't need anybody or anything, or what about the I attitude period that we are taught on tv everyday?

The world today is taught constantly take care of yourself and don't give anybody else a second do you think that attitude is working for us? Look around, turn on the news is it working? I don't think so, but instead of us doing anything about it we just keep right on going along....

Well, I think we Christians must stand up and share Jesus with others...not necessarily with a bullhorn in people's face, but in our actions, in our life, in our daily walk...people will want what we have...contagious Christians that is what we need to be sick with Jesus and pass it around to all of our friends....

Contagious and loving it,

1 comment:

Frankie said...

That is an interesting thought, "contagious christians" speading Jesus. I can't say that I have been living my life that way. Probably because I am gulty of placing other things first in my life. Lord show me the "gods" that I am putting before You and help me rid my life of them that I might be a "contagious christian."