Thursday, July 29, 2010

God Knows His Plans

Jeremiah 1:5

"I knew you before I formed you in your mother's womb. Before you were born I set you apart and appointed you as my prophet to the nations."

I want you to ponder this verse for a moment.

The Creator knows each person's use before He makes them. He is telling Jeremiah you are my chosen instrument. Wow, imagine this young man about 25 years old hearing the LORD tell him of His big plans for him. What does he do immediately? I can't! No thought, no prayer simply I can't…

Imagine, how often is that what we shout back at The LORD I can't…one time, five times, twenty times, more? We have the audacity to tell the Creator of the world that we can't do something, how does that work? After all, just like Jeremiah God knows His plans for us at the time He makes us. It's not about us anyway; it's all about God and His plans. Why is this hard to grasp?

Do you have a peace that passes all understanding inside of you? Do you love what you do? Or is your job awful? Is your life unhappy all the time? Perhaps, you are trying to go against God's plans for your own plans…just a thought. Have you felt a pull on you to step out in faith and do something others might think is crazy? Well, pray about it and if you still feel this perhaps God is calling you to step out!

It gives me peace to know that God plans for all of us. He wants something special for each of us and with each of us and it is whether we shout I can't or we say I will Lord just guide me along the way. Lord, just hold my hand and I will follow.

Jeremiah was God's chosen instrument and he was separated or set apart even before he was born. What plans did God have for you, before you were born? Imagine, the God of the universe planning for you before you were even born. Before you took your first breath God had a plan for you! Hallelujah!

Sweet blessings,


1 comment:

Frankie said...

Debbie, that is something to ponder - what plans did God have for me before I was born?

Well, the reading today was pretty exciting too, I must say!

This may sound odd, but in Jeremiah 2:6, I realized that the Israelites time in the desert was a miracle in itself. The scripture says that God sustained them where no one lived or even traveled. I know that God performed miracles, but I looked differently at the mere fact that they survived at all. Other nations had to wonder at this miracle.

In that same chapter, I thought that verses 11-13 were profound. The Lord asks his people, "Has any nation ever traded its gods for new ones, even though they are not gods at all? Yet my people have exchanged their glorious God for worthless idols! He goes on to say that the heavens are shocked at such a thing and shrink back in horror and dismay." Wow!

What worthless idols have I(Frankie) exchanged for my glorious God?