Monday, July 26, 2010

God’s thoughts and ways; Indeed not Our’s. Thank goodness!

Isaiah 55:8

"My thoughts are nothing like your thoughts," says the LORD. "And my ways are far beyond anything you could imagine."

Is it hard for you to forgive? It depends on the situation with me; sometimes it's easier than other times. In this scripture God reminds us that He multiplies our pardon, our forgiveness. We just don't get this in our way of thinking. God knows it and tells us so right here.

Accept that God is so much bigger than we are able to comprehend. We will never understand all of His ways and thank goodness He is way bigger than you or me. If we had to count on each other for eternal life, do we think we would make it? Would our sin be forgiven by each other?

Very plainly the LORD is telling us get over it. You will never get it and to move past it. He goes on to tell us that His ways and thoughts are higher than ours. We are barren in our souls without The Spirit filling us up. God produces the good things to happen and welcomes "ALL" to share together!

Is it because we exist in a world of "thinking of number one" or me? Are we hardened and we don't see those around us that are thirsty? All people have a sense of need that only God can fill. To maintain life Christ is needed in every last one of us. We need to share Christ with all people. WE need to tell all people that HE is so big and so forgiving that we don't always get it…but we believe HIM, we have Faith in Him and in HIS WORD. His Word clearly tells us in the verse above God is huge and don't try to figure Him out, ACCEPT HIM, LOVE HIM, SHARE HIM and ACCEPT HIS FORGIVENESS THAT IS WAY BEYOND WE DESERVE!

Thank you Father for loving us in spite of ourselves and the forgiveness that we don't even understand. Lord, indeed you are huge and love us so very much and we give thanks for this mighty love and understanding. Lord, use us to your glory and show us the way in each of our journeys that you desire us to pass. Indeed, Father we have no peace without you and we want to help our fellow brothers and sisters find the peace of knowing You. Amen

Sweet blessings,


1 comment:

Frankie said...

Debbie, today's reading was so good!

Isaiah 52:5 was my sister-in-law, Terri's verse that she clung to during her battle with cancer.

Isaiah 54:1-3 reminded me of you, Deb. I know that God ministered to your pain through this passage.

Back in Isaiah 40:31, this is the verse that spoke of great hope for my sister, Connie during her battle with cancer.

Wow! These verses in Isaiah contain so much hope and comfort all these years later. God's Word is timeless.