Saturday, December 11, 2010

Fix your thoughts

Fix your thoughts on what is true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise.

Beautiful words that we should all practice!

For a moment ponder these words from Philippians 4 that Paul wrote. How were your thoughts yesterday? Last night? Perhaps the last hour? Few minutes? Were they true, pure,lovely?

The beautiful lady in the picture just looked like this scripture to me. She is smiling from ear to ear and the light is shining! She is laying in a bed of lavender it looks like and perhaps she is living the Word of God! Have you thought about days that you do exactly what this scripture says? You probably glow like this beautiful lady! When we walk the talk we are pure, lovely, admirable...

One of the commentaries stated make a habit of these things. Habits are easy to form when things are bad for us, so what about when they are good? Are you ready to form a new habit of pure, pleasing, right, lovely thoughts? Are you ready to dwell on them?

It sounds fabulous to me! I want to have that peace this lady is living in this picture, how about you? Keep putting it into practice and it will become a way of life! In verse 9, we are told that then the God of peace will be with you. When we walk the talk, we know this is so true! We have that peace that passes all understanding! It is when we revert back to our way and not God's way that our thoughts and actions all go backwards towards darkness rather than light! So, let's make some new habits of pure, pleasing, happy, lovely thoughts with our eyes lifted to Christ and this is will only be thoughts from the Light of Christ!

Sweet Blessings,

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