Thursday, July 23, 2009

Trust and Soar

I know it is true without a doubt! Trust the Lord and you will soar like an eagle!

Is life always easy? No....but it is amazing! I know because I am living this journey and these verses...

Once you learn to trust the Lord the verses in Isaiah 40: 31 they become so real!
God gives you the strength to get through each busy day and it's not your own ability to get done what needs to get done it is HIS! You have a strength that you knows only comes from God to get the things done that you have on your plate ready to do!

I've never doubted the Lord, but the trust was a harder one to get. It takes start now. Take His hand and begin the relationship, so that you are able to soar with the eagles, run and not get tired, then walk and not get faint...because fellow Christians there is a lot of work to be done for our family in Christ!!!


1 comment:

Frankie said...

Debbie, that verse, Isaiah 40:31 has always been special to my sister and to our family. My sister held onto that scripture over twenty years ago at the age of thirty when she was going through the trials of breast cancer. She looked to God. He renewed her strength and helped her run and not grow weary through surgery and treatments. May we remember that whatever we may be going through we can put our trust in the Lord because He is with us.