Thursday, December 2, 2010

Bound, but willing

Over and over today the reading stated Paul knew that jail and suffering were ahead. The Spirit warned him, the people warned him, but yet he was willing. Willing to proceed to Jerusalem.

I kept asking myself would I proceed? Would I keep taking boat after boat to suffering? It wasn't an exotic vacation, waiting was eternal life! He was upset by the tears and crying, telling the people you are breaking my heart. Would it break your heart that people cared? They cared about Paul, but were forgetting the big picture. Do we forget the big picture? The picture of doing whatever for the sake of the LORD?

Paul was praising God. Paul was preaching. Paul wasn't hiding, he immediately met with believers and went to the temple. He was letting his light shine in public doing what God called him to do...Are we doing what God calls us to do?

I was reading Kay Warren's new book ~ Say Yes To God and it is fabulous! The point was to say are we willing to surrender to whatever God calls us to? Are we willing to die? Are we willing to let others call us Jesus crazies? Are we willing to be alone? Are we willing to suffer?

Yes Lord I am willing, but that doesn't mean I don't say that with a little bit of hesitancy and concern...but all I know is that I want to pursue God with all my heart so that means I will respond with YES LORD - will you???

Sweet Blessings,


Nikole Hahn said...

Today's post hit me. Live transparently. I believe that's how every Christian should live--bravely, transparently, and fearlessly, if possible.

Frankie said...

Wow! This is deep, soul-searching stuff Paul is pouring on us in the reading each day. It causes me to ask, "Am I willing?"