Thursday, January 20, 2011

Trouble around the bend...

Today, when I got to Job 5:7, which states People are born for trouble as readily as sparks fly up from a fire; it hit me how fast it happens that we are drawn to trouble.

One morning a few years ago in a matter of moments sparks of fire torched my things. It was over in minutes a lifetime of treasures gone and when I read this today it was so visual just how fast trouble takes over our minds, our life, our relationships absolutely everything, if we allow it! If...such a big word to only contain two letters...

In a moment trouble grows beyond our control and only the "Living water" can put it out! The fire that morning gave me so many visuals about evil and darkness. I walked through the once beautiful rooms (at least to me) and they are covered in black ashes and this awful smell. Oh, I don't think I will ever forget that horrible odor and I remember thinking this must be a little bit like hell. So dark, nasty, smelly, awful just no other word for it and I remember thinking I don't want any part of hell. I don't want anybody that I love or anybody else to have to spend eternity in anything that is worse than this and hell would be much worse...

We don't like to think about hell, but just like this verse states trouble begins with a spark and that grows quickly. The devil works fast and spreads quickly...

Today, it is on my heart to say share Jesus, let your light shine and let goodness spread quicker than trouble! God is so much bigger than the devil, but we must share Him! Shine bright today!

Sweet blessings,

Prayer Special - Today we begin prayer for the Americas - which covers North America, Latin America and the Caribbean. Today, we pray about the drug situation that all 3 of these face. Cocaine being the main problem for all 3...The ones that grow it (Columbia, Peru, Bolviai, Ecuador, others), the ones that ship it (Central america, Caribbean, Mexico) and then the consumers (primarily U.S.) All 3 do some of the above!!! Keep this in your prayers!!!

1 comment:

Nikole Hahn said...

I will. Good idea.

Have a great day, Debbie!