Saturday, September 28, 2013

Fighting the blues...

Honesty is the best policy and it seems that lately I've been fighting the particular reason other than I'm just there right now...

Ever been there...

Lots going on...

Life happens...

People surround you with difficult problems and none of us can fix the problems...

The television with all the fighting, all the bad things happening, all the ugly, never focusing on the good things in the world.  It's still here, so why can't we broadcast some good news?  Do we all relish bringing others down so much that it pays for these programs?  What is happening to us?  When are we going to focus on the LIGHT?

I've always been real on this blog and that will always be what you find here truth.

Believe me I know I am blessed, but sometimes we still can't pull ourselves out of a pit, but I know who can get me out of the pit...So I've got my eyes fixed on Jesus knowing that indeed He is the answer.

No need for phone calls to check on me...I'm okay just down for the count, but not out!

Just sharing truth ~ We all need more JESUS!



Chantay said...

I'm with you on this one sister. I'm so there I am behind in my reading. Thanks for sharing.

Frankie said...

Yes, more of Jesus! Need to keep my eyes on Him.