Monday, September 23, 2013


Plans change and it's how you readjust that matters...

Well, anytime I don't make it to Colorado I am sad and part of it is the surprises that the Lord always provides, when I get to be in this wonderful happy place.

I've learned though...He shows up everywhere!  Surprise!

Yes, in the words of PhilipYancey, "God goes where He is wanted".

I love this quote that A. W. Tozer shared, "I want the presence of God Himself, or I don't want anything at all to do with  religion. I want all that God has or I don't want any."

God shows up and the question truly is did we invite Him in?  Everyday life goes along with our everyday duties and we get caught up in it, but did we invite God to join us?

He will show up, so don't forget to ask Him to join you in the car riding to work or perhaps the lunch table with your friends.  He would love to surprise all of us!

Sweet blessings,

P. S. Don't you love this pic from my trip to Colorado this summer?  I turned around and there was this beautiful surprise just enjoying a meal.


Frankie said...

Love that pic! Such a sweet little face.

Jeanie said...

You are so right! The night skies and brilliant stars last night showed me that God is always with us!