Wednesday, January 28, 2015


Job 32 and 33

Don't you love this photo?  I fell in love with it when I searched for whisper in the ear...

Do you know those moments when you know God is speaking to you?  Some of you may have heard His voice audibly...I haven't, but I have definitely heard from Him through His Word, other people, nature; what about you?  

The passage that spoke to my heart this morning was found in Job 33: 14 -16
For God speaks again and again, though people do not recognize it. 
He speaks in dreams, in visions at night, when deep sleep falls on people as they lie in their beds.  He whispers in their ears and terrifies them with warnings.

Do you ask God something and then forget to pay attention for His answers?  Do you move ahead thinking well He is awfully busy with millions of other people and well I'll just move ahead without Him?  

Looking around the world today, I believe He is speaking loudly, but are any of us listening?  I'm not a person that speaks doom and gloom, because God is hope.  He is speaking, so that we might pay attention and heed His warnings, but are we doing our part?

Today, look for the answers you have been asking God attention.  Be patient and be obedient, perhaps that might be it...obedience is always a word we like to hear.  We might not want to do what He is asking, but His way is much better than our me I've done my own thing and it wasn't the best way.


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