Sunday, January 31, 2010


Job 42: 10

When Job prayed for his friends, the Lord restored his fortunes.

Have you ever had a time in your journey that it seems the whole world is against you? Would it have been the appropriate time to pray for those that helped you get to that place?

Think about it…Hit your knees and pray for those that wronged you. I know in my own journey that is not the thing I want to do. It is what I should do, but not what I want to do.

I've realized that when I do lift the people up in prayer I no longer feel the pain, the anger, the unforgiveness. You just cannot stay mad at those that you pray for, it seems…your feelings change through prayer!

When I looked it up about this scripture it said that when Job showed mercy to his friends that then God was able to show mercy to Job. God only shows us mercy when we first show mercy. Forgiven when you forgive. Pray and be freed!

Not only did it tell us that the Lord restored Job's fortunes, it tells us that he gave him twice as much. Job suffered, but he was blessed.

Pray for our friends, but also for our enemies. Sometimes it seems our friends fall into this category as well and give it to the Lord. The pain is eased, the peace is restored and forgiveness is shown. After all, our pain is not the same once we give it to the Lord.




1 comment:

Frankie said...

Debbie, I don't think I ever really caught that verse before, that God restored Job's fortune after Job prayed for the friends who had spoken so harshly about him. As long as I have known the story of Job, I don't think that this verse has ever stood out to me until now. I knew that God blessed Job with "more", but never paid attention to the timing of the blessings.