Monday, January 17, 2011

I Will Go

Jacob had a long journey ahead of him to a land he wasn't sure about other than his son, Joseph was there. Don't you know in
his heart how badly he longed to see Joseph? Yet, something held him back...

He began the journey it tells us in Genesis 46, he stopped and offered sacrifices when he had a vision. God saw Jacob's fear and reassured him that he was going with him and not only that he would bring him back. He knew because God told him that he would die there, but not remain in that foreign land.

God reassures us that He goes with us through these words as well! Are you feeling the nudge to go? Are you feeling the calling to something unknown to you? Are you being lead to something new and different? Perhaps God is speaking to you this morning to be brave and know that He is going with you on the journey. I know that the times I have felt this God always reassures me that He is with me!

So are your wagons loaded and ready? Is the trip all planned, but you are unsure? Listen to the words in Genesis...Do not be afraid to go...I will go with you...and I will bring you back...Our Savior loves us and we never go anywhere alone!

Sweet blessings,

P. S. - Pray for the Sudan's civil strife. Pray for peace in the Sudan today.

1 comment:

Frankie said...

That is a great reminder today that Our Savior is always with us. We are never alone!

I was thinking how Jacob's favoritism among his children was just what he had learned at home with his mother, Rebekah.

Again and again God uses flawed people in the Bible, just like Jacob(Israel)to show us that He can use us too.