Friday, January 21, 2011

Only God

Only God!

Praise the Lord only God is able to command the sun not to shine or the stars.

Praise God that he alone spread out the heavens and marches on the waves.

Praise God He made the stars!

Indeed, God does great things too marvelous for us to understand. The miracles that only He is able to do.

God is soooooo much bigger than our small brains are able to comprehend and it drives us crazy. He made us want more and more. We long for understanding. We thirst with a unquinchable thirst. We truly desire more and more of only Him and one day we will be with Him in heaven.

On days we don't understand like Job we must cling to His Promises and He always keeps His Promises! Praise God! He always stands firm on His Truths and His Word, so cling to His Love and Keep the Faith! We don't have to understand just cling to Him on days that you desire more and more of HIM! Cling to HIS Word!

Sweet blessings,

Prayer Special - Today, since the U.S. is a part of the Americas I want to lift our political system up to God. I want us to pray for our leaders in all parties. Pray for Our Leaders to all pray for guidance in decisions and for God to be Our Leader! I pray for understanding in times we are different, pray for peace without all the ugliness, we found this country on freedoms to be different, but to show tolerance for each other! Pray for peace in our lands.

1 comment:

Frankie said...

Yes, praise the Lord God Almighty!