Sunday, June 28, 2009

Learning is fun!

Isaiah 28: 29 ~ The LORD of Heaven's Armies is a wonderful teacher, and he gives the farmer great wisdom.

What more really needs to be said? The Lord teaches us and it is a matter of whether we choose to learn. The picture spoke to me, because I think we need to remain like children willing to learn.

We, adults sometimes think we are so smart what more do we need? A lot. We forget that we never quit learning and to grow we must continue to be students of the Wonderful teacher. We must be like Mary and choose to sit at His feet and be still. We must have the faith of the woman with the issue of the blood that we will be healed, if we just touch the hem of his garmet. We must have the hearts of children that are open to learn and the ears to listen.

Thank you wonderful teacher, for teaching this stubborn woman that I still have so much to learn!


1 comment:

Frankie said...

Debbie, a little bit before in 2 Kings 28, I was relating verses 16 & 23 to what you were sharing about "learning" from the Lord. Those verses say, "this is what the Sovereign Lord says... Listen to me; listen, and pay close attention."

The Lord was telling us how to learn from Him. How much more should I listen and pay close attention to what the Lord of Heaven and Earth is trying to teach me? Much more I would say!

Would love to hear what thoughts some of the others might share with us that are reading this site. It is a blessing to learn from each other along the way.