Thursday, May 14, 2009

God Benefits~

Everybody is always asking the question today what benefits do I get? What is in it for me? You've heard it, haven't you? I know I do ~ out society is always worried about me, me, and more me...It is a sad state of affairs.

In today's reading I was fascinated with 5 benefits that David wrote about in Psalm 103 that God gives each of us. In everything I studied they believe that David wrote this when he was a little older and understood things a little bit more. Do any of you relate? What is important to us at 21 isn't the same at 45 is it? It is kind of like the Garth Brooks song about Unanswered Prayers, isn't it? Thank you Lord for answering my prayers in a different manner than I requested. Are any of you able to relate?Psalm 103:3-5 (New Living Translation)

3 He forgives all my sins
and heals all my diseases.
4 He redeems me from death
and crowns me with love and tender mercies.
5 He fills my life with good things.
My youth is renewed like the eagle’s!

First - forgives what? ALL my sins
Second - heals all my diseases ~ eternal life not all illness is healed, but we do have eternity
Third - Redeems ~ Hebrew word used here goel which is a noun a kinsman to buy back which represents Christ
Fourth - Crowns ~ metaphor for lovingkindness we get to wear it like a crown
Fifth - Fills my life and youth renewed...satisfaction and a sense of years another way to put it is the old saying as long as you live.
These verses close with renewed like the eagles...well did you know that some eagles have lived has long as a 100 years. Wow, we are forgiven, healed, redeemed, crowned, satisfied and renewed. Pretty good benefits, don't you think? A benefit is defined as something advantageous or good. I think that I am going to apply for this job, how about you? The benefits are better than any I've ever heard of or ever will hear of ~ I'm in the front of the line for this job!!!

Waiting in line,

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