Thursday, May 21, 2009

Only a Mother!

A mother's love is like no other...I watch my own mom and all the moms around me and know that only a mother's love's us no matter what we do or don't do. I am amazed watching moms. It doesn't matter if you are with your mom all the time or you don't see her for months she is always happy to see you and to be with you. Always loving her babies!

Solomon teaches us the depth of a mother's love in 1 Kings 3:16-28. The story of the two women fighting over a child. Solomon decides the way to find the true mom is to propose a terrible solution. Let's cut the child in half and give part to you and part to the other. Well, Solomon in his wisdom knew that the true mother would be willing to let her child go rather than this happen.

The pain that mother felt was awful. I wasn't there, but you have to know she stood with another woman claiming her child and then the king was proposing to cut him in half and to save him she had to give him up. Oh the pain!! I know another story that is a little bit like this....A father that had to give up his son for another...the another is me and you. God gave up His son to save me and you, and you, and you....Oh the love Our Father shows each of us...Don't gloss over it, remember it with each step you take that God loves us so very much...only the love of a mighty Father


1 comment:

Frankie said...

The comparison of God giving up His one and only son for us and the women giving up her baby is interesting. I have never looked it in that way.
I know that the Bible is always pointing us to Jesus, so why not there? Thanks for the food for thought. I pray that I would remember how much God loves me today.